displayData.cs font size:
C# Source: dataset_sql.aspx   fetchdata_sql.cs   displayData.cs   
// generic method to display dataset contents into html table

public string html;

string displayData ( DataSet myData ) {
   foreach ( DataTable table in myData.Tables ) {
      // open the table
      html += "<table cellspacing=1 class='data' width=92% style='font-size:10pt'>";

      // set up table headers
      // begin header row
      html += "<tr>";

      // loop thru each header column
      foreach ( DataColumn col in table.Columns ) {
         html += "<th>" + col.ColumnName + "</th>";

      // end header row
      html += "</tr>";

      // loop thru the dataset
      // first loop thru each row
      foreach ( DataRow row in table.Rows ) {
         html += "<tr>";

         // loop thru each column
         foreach ( DataColumn col in table.Columns ) {
            html += "<td>" + row [ col ].ToString ( ) + "</td>";

         // close each table row
         html += "</tr>";

      // close the table
      html += "</table>";
   // return string var
   return html;