blur.aspx font size:
<title>Abakada HTML Demo: Blur Filter Effect</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/shared/netdemos.css">

<script language="JavaScript">
function chg ( obj ) {
   with ( obj.filters ( 0 ) ) {
      if ( strength < 300 ) strength ++;

<!-- #include virtual="~/shared/" -->

<div class="header"><h2>Abakada HTML Demo: <span class="hilite">Blur Filter</span> Effect</h2></div>
<hr size=1 width=92%>

<div align="center">

<p id="msg">Click on image to apply Blur Filter. 
   Double-click to reset. </p>

<img src="../shared/images/samp06.jpg"
   width=200 height=200 border=0 alt="" style="cursor: hand"
   onclick="'blur ( add=1, strength=1, direction=225 )'"
   onfilterchange="chg ( this )"


<hr size=1 width=92%>
<!-- #include virtual="~/shared/" -->
