docprops.aspx font size:
<title>Abakada DHTML Demo: document Object Properties</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/shared/netdemos.css">

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<div class="header"><h2>Abakada DHTML Demo: document Object Properties</h2></div>
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<div align="center">

<p id="msg">The <b>document</b> object represents the HTML document in a given browser window. 
   We use this object to retrieve information about the document, 
   to examine and modify the HTML elements and text within the document, 
   and to process events. </p>

<h5>The values below are dynamically retrieved from this document by a script.</h5>

<script language="JavaScript">
doc = "";
doc += "<table class='data' cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3>";
doc += "<tr><th>Document object property</th>";
doc += "<th>Value returned by your browser</th></tr>";
doc += "<tr><td>document.title</td>";
doc += "<td>" + document.title + "</td></tr>";
doc += "<tr><td>document.lastModified</td>";
doc += "<td>" + document.lastModified + "</td></tr>";
doc += "<tr><td>document.URL</td>";
doc += "<td>" + document.URL + "</td></tr>";
doc += "<tr><td>document.bgColor</td>";
doc += "<td>" + document.bgColor + "</td></tr>";
doc += "<tr><td>document.fgColor</td>";
doc += "<td>" + document.fgColor + "</td></tr>";
doc += "<tr><td>document.linkColor</td>";
doc += "<td>" + document.linkColor + "</td></tr>";
doc += "<tr><td>document.alinkColor</td>";
doc += "<td>" + document.alinkColor + "</td></tr>";
doc += "<tr><td>document.vlinkColor</td>";
doc += "<td>" + document.vlinkColor + "</td></tr>";
doc += "<tr><td>document.referrer</td>";
doc += "<td>" + document.referrer + "</td></tr>";
doc += "</table>";
document.write ( doc );

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