imgalign.aspx font size:
<title>Abakada HTML Demo: IMG align Attribute</title>
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<div class="header"><h2>Abakada HTML Demo: IMG <span class="hilite">align</span> Attribute</h2></div>
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<div style="width:70%; text-align:center">

<h5>This example shows the effects of applying different values possible for the <b>align</b> attribute, 
   when used with the <b>IMG</b> element.</h5>

<p id="msg"><img id="theImg" src="../shared/images/earth.gif" 
   width=100 height=100 border=0 hspace=5 vspace=5>
   Select from the options below to see how the attribute is applied.

<!-- The resulting HTML syntax is shown below. -->

<h5 id="theSyntax">&lt;img src=&quot;sphere.jpg&quot;&gt;</h5>

<p><b>Options</b> <select name="units" tabindex=1 onchange="chgProp ( this.value )">
   <option value="">
   <option value="absbottom">absbottom
   <option value="absmiddle">absmiddle
   <option value="baseline">baseline
   <option value="bottom">bottom
   <option value="left">left
   <option value="middle">middle
   <option value="right">right
   <option value="texttop">texttop
   <option value="top">top

<p><button onclick="reset ( )">Reset</button></p>

<script language="JavaScript">
function chgProp ( a ) {
   theImg.align = a;
   theSyntax.innerText = '<img src="sphere.jpg" align="' + a + '">';
function reset ( ) {
   units.value = ""
   theImg.align = "";
   theSyntax.innerText = '<img src="sphere.jpg">';

<p class="note">NOTE: <b>align</b> defaults to the bottom of the object aligned with the baseline of the surrounding text when no alignment is specified. </p>


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