<title>Abakada HTML Demo: P align Attribute</title>
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<div class="header"><h2>Abakada HTML Demo: <span class="hilite">P align Attribute</span></h2></div>
<hr size=1 width=92%>
<h5>This example shows the effects of applying different values possible for the <b>align</b> attribute,
when used with the <b>P</b> element.</h5>
<div style="width:60%" align=center>
<p id="msg">The <b>align</b> attribute is used to specify, among others, the horizontal alignment of text content in a paragraph. Possible values are <i>left</i>, <i>center</i>, <i>right</i> and <i>justify</i>. While the <b>align</b> attribute on <b><p></b> tags has been deprecated in favor of CSS styles in HTML 5, some browsers still support it as evidenced by this example. </p>
<p>Click a button to change the paragraph's alignment.
<h5 id="syntax"><p align="center"></h5>
<th>Options </th>
<button onclick="setAlign ( 'left' )">left</button>
<button onclick="setAlign ( 'center' )">center</button>
<button onclick="setAlign ( 'right' )">right</button>
<button onclick="setAlign ( 'justify' )">justify</button>
<script language="JavaScript">
var el = document.getElementById ( 'msg' );
var synt = document.getElementById ( 'syntax' );
function setAlign ( opt ) {
el.align = opt;
txt = '<p align="' + el.align + '">';
synt.childNodes [ 0 ].nodeValue = txt;
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