pseudo.aspx font size:
<title>Abakada CSS Demo: link, visited, hover, and active Attributes</title>
<link href="/shared/netdemos.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<style type="text/css">
a:link {
   font-weight: bold; color: navy }
a:visited {
   color: darkgreen }
a:hover { 
   background-color: maroon; color: khaki;
   padding:5; font-variant: small-caps }
a:active {
   background-color: lightblue; color: maroon;
   padding:10 }

<div class="header"><h2>Abakada CSS Demo: <span class="hilite">link</span>, <span class="hilite">visited</span>, <span class="hilite">hover</span>, and <span class="hilite">active</span> Attributes</h2></div>
<hr size=1 width=92%>

<p>This demo illustrates use of the a:link, a:visited, a:hover, and a:active pseudo-clasees in an embedded stylesheet to set the colors of hyperlinks on this page.


<p><a href="#below">Here's a link to the bottom of this page.</a>

<div style="height:250"></div>

<a id="below">Some content here.</a>
<p><img src="../shared/images/samp06.jpg"></p>

<div style="height:120"></div>


<hr size=1 width=92%>
<!-- #include virtual="~/shared/" -->
