HtmlInputFile1.aspx font size:
<title>HtmlInputFile Control Example</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/shared/netdemos.css">

<script language="C#" runat="server">
void uploadFile ( object src, EventArgs e ) {
   if ( fileName.Value == "" ) {
      details.InnerHtml = "<p>You must enter a file name</p>";
      details.Visible = true;

   if ( fileToUpload.PostedFile != null ) {
      try {
         fileToUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs ( "c:\\temp\\"+fileName.Value );

         string html = "<p>File uploaded successfully on the web server</p>";
         html +="<p>FileName: c:\\temp\\" + fileName.Value + "<br>";
         html +="ContentType: " + fileToUpload.PostedFile.ContentType + "<br>";
         html +="ContentLength: " + fileToUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength + "</p>";

         details.InnerHtml = html;
      catch ( Exception exc ) {
         details.InnerHtml = "Error saving file <b>c:\\temp\\" +
            fileName.Value + "</b><br>" + exc.ToString ( );
      finally {
         details.Visible = true;

<!-- #include virtual="~/shared/ -->
<div class="header"><h2><span class="hilite">HtmlInputFile Control</span> Example</h2></div>
<hr size=1 width=92%>

<div align="center">
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" runat="server">

<p>File to Upload:
   <input id="fileToUpload" type=file runat="server"></p>

<p>Save as filename ( no path ) :
   <input id="fileName" type=text runat="server"></p>

<p><input type=button runat="server" id="Button1"
   value="Upload" onServerClick="uploadFile" ></p>

<p><div id="details" runat="server" visible=false
   style="background:#def; border:1px inset" /></p>


<hr size=1 width=92%>
<!-- #include virtual="~/shared/" -->
