In bustling Tokyo (Japan) stands the Capitol Tokyu Hotel. Located on a serene corner adjacent to the historic Hie Shrine, this hotel is a blend of international sophistication and Japanese ambience and is within walking distance of the Imperial Palace and the Diet Building.
JR Tokyo Station is just a 10 minute drive and Haneda International Airport is 30 minutes away. The hotel's vast, creamy marble lobby welcomes guests to ten floors above ground and four underground levels. With a capacity for up to 1000 guests, meetings and banquets at Capitol Tokyu Hotel are accommodated with attention to detail such as onsite catering.
Shinto and Christian wedding chapels are available, as are secretarial services at its Business Center. Recreational facilities include a seasonal outdoor pool, and a fitness center, while onsite services such a beauty salon, massage treatments, dressing rooms, wardrobe room, barber shop, a spa, a photographic studio and shopping arcade provide guests with convenience and luxury.
The Capitol Tokyu Hotel offers a unique selection of world class restaurants.
The Keyaki Grill offers continental cuisine, while the elegantly designed Genji restaurant, built around a garden, serves a variety of Japanese dishes.
All of the 454 guestrooms about 350 square feet each, are decorated with wood accents and Japanese simplicity, providing sophistication and soothing elegance. Each room offers a coffeemaker and cable television, with some rooms providing Internet access. The Executive Floors provide a greater level of privacy and personalized services.
Capitol Tokyu Hotel strives to offer it's guests "shibumi," effortless perfection.