The Suburban Extended Stay Hotel Jeffersontown offers amenities for comfortable living, and rates that you can actually live with. That's why so many smart travelers choose Suburban. As the leader in economy extended stay hotels, this property is committed to providing the best value for your lodging dollar. Whether you're staying for a night or an extended period due to relocation, a temporary work assignment or training, count on Suburban to deliver just what you need.
Make yourself at home. At Suburban Extended Stay Hotel, you'll find everything you need to make your extended stay a comfortable one. Each of the 143 well appointed guest rooms come equipped with standard amenities such as air conditioning, coffee/tea maker, free local calls, mini kitchens, modem/data ports, cable TV and voice mail. A cordial and attentive staff is available to assist you with any needs that you might have as a guest of the Hotel Jeffersontown. This property is convenient to fine dining, shopping and entertainment venues.
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