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Web Forms Server Controls and Browser Capabilities

ASP.NET Web Forms

Different browsers, and different versions of the same browsers, support different features. ASP.NET server controls will automatically determine the level of browser that has requested the .aspx page and format the HTML it generates correctly for that browser. However, some control features cannot be rendered on older browsers, so it is a good idea to look at the output of your pages on as many browser types as you can to make sure that the pages are presented to all browsers the way you want them to be.

Client Script

Some functionality of Web server controls depends on being able to run client script. The client script is automatically generated and sent as part of the page, if the browser is capable of executing script. Even so, some users might have turned off script execution in their browsers, and will therefore not be able to fully use the control’s capabilities. For more information, see Client Script in Web Forms Pages.

Uplevel and Downlevel Browser Capabilities

Browsers and client devices are split into two distinctive groups: uplevel and downlevel. These groups define the type of native support a browser or client device offers, and they generally determine the presentation and behavior of a loading page from a Web server.

Browsers and client devices that are considered uplevel usually support at least the following:

Downlevel browsers and client devices support the following only:

The following server control properties render differently in uplevel and downlevel browsers:

Table, Calendar, DataList, DataGrid, RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList


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