Title |
Title ID |
Type |
Publisher ID |
Price |
The Busy Executive's Database Guide |
BU1032 |
business |
1389 |
$19.99 |
Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets |
BU1111 |
business |
1389 |
$11.95 |
You Can Combat Computer Stress! |
BU2075 |
business |
0736 |
$2.99 |
Straight Talk About Computers |
BU7832 |
business |
1389 |
$19.99 |
Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats |
MC2222 |
mod_cook |
0877 |
$19.99 |
The Gourmet Microwave |
MC3021 |
mod_cook |
0877 |
$2.99 |
The Psychology of Computer Cooking |
MC3026 |
0877 |
But Is It User Friendly? |
PC1035 |
popular_comp |
1389 |
$22.95 |
Secrets of Silicon Valley |
PC8888 |
popular_comp |
1389 |
$20.00 |
Net Etiquette |
PC9999 |
popular_comp |
1389 |
Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations |
PS1372 |
psychology |
0877 |
$21.59 |
Is Anger the Enemy? |
PS2091 |
psychology |
0736 |
$10.95 |
Life Without Fear |
PS2106 |
psychology |
0736 |
$7.00 |
Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies |
PS3333 |
psychology |
0736 |
$19.99 |
Emotional Security: A New Algorithm |
PS7777 |
psychology |
0736 |
$7.99 |
Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean |
TC3218 |
trad_cook |
0877 |
$20.95 |
Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens |
TC4203 |
trad_cook |
0877 |
$11.95 |
Sushi, Anyone? |
TC7777 |
trad_cook |
0877 |
$14.99 |