CSS Attributes Index CSS Filters
Selectively renders a specific color transparent for the selected visual object.
{ filter: chroma ( color=color ) }
color |
Value of the color to be subject to chromakey transparency. Color is expressed in #RRGGBB format, where RR is the red hexadecimal value, GG is the green hexadecimal value, and BB is the blue hexadecimal value. |
This effect is not recommended for files that have been dithered from 24 to 8 bit. In particular, JPEG files, as dithered and compressed files, do not produce an entirely solid chromakey color, resulting in uneven effects. Chromakey doesn't work well on anti-aliased sources, in which sharp lines are smoothed by blending the colors of surrounding pixels. Choosing a specific chromakey color will cause some colors that would otherwise be transparent to be fully opaque.
CSS Filter Properties and Methods