This guide aims to provide a basic understanding of HTML, to help you learn how to create documents for the World Wide Web.
In this section, we cover:
- Markup Tags
- Essential Elements
- Element Attributes
- Block Level and Inline Elements
- Element Identifiers
To identify the various elements in our HTML document, we use markup tags, which consist of
- a left angle bracket (<)
- the element name
- and a right angle bracket (>)
as in <TITLE>, to specify a title element.
NOTE: HTML is not case sensitive. The conventions shown here are for emphasis and readability only.
Tags are usually paired, to start and end an element type declaration. The end tag is like the start tag except a slash (/) precedes the element name.
<title>Welcome to HTML</title>
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In the same manner, we use <p> and </p> to delimit, or set the bounds of, a paragraph declaration. Any text placed between these tags will display as a paragraph.
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In certain elements, though, the end tag may be omitted, as in the <img> element.
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The following sections assume that you have some kind of editor to work with. If not, see Choosing an HTML Editor in our primer.