HTML elements may generally be grouped as to what they are used for:
- elements that govern the structure of an HTML document
- elements that govern the presentation of an HTML document
- elements that govern interactivity with an HTML document
The elements that are used to govern a document’s structure are:
- Headings: the <Hx> element
- Paragraphs: the <P> element
- Lists: the <UL>, <OL>, and <DL> elements
- Tables: the <TABLE> element
- Dividers: the <DIV> element
The elements that are used to govern a document’s presentation are:
- the <B> and <STRONG> elements
- the <I> and <EM> elements
- Images: the <IMG> element
The elements that govern interactivity with an HTML document are:
- Anchors and Links: the <A> and <LINK> elements