Home > Getting Started > ASP.NET Syntax > ASP.NET Page Syntax > Server-Side Include Directive Syntax
ASP.NET Syntax ASP.NET Page Syntax
Inserts the contents of a specified file anywhere within an ASP.NET page.
<!-- #include file | virtual = filename -->
File |
The file name is a physical path from the directory containing the document with the #include directive. This path can be relative. |
Virtual |
The file name is a virtual path from a virtual directory in your Web site. This path can be relative. |
NOTE: The included file can be in the same directory or in a subdirectory; it cannot be in a directory above the page with the #include directive.
The file name value for the included file must be enclosed in quotation marks ( "" ).
The included file is processed before any dynamic code is executed.
The #include tag must be enclosed within HTML/XML comment delimiters to avoid being interpreted as literal text.
The below code snippet demonstrates how you can use Server-Side Include Directive Syntax to call files that will create a header and a footer on an ASP.NET page. Both are using relative paths.
<!-- #include file=header.inc" --
Here is the main body of the .aspx file.
<!-- #include file=footer.inc" --
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