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Light Filter Effect

CSS Attributes Index   CSS Filters

Simulates the projection of a light source onto the selected visual object.

{ filter: light }

Once you have defined your Light filter effect collection for your object, you call its methods to set or change its properties.

addAmbient Adds ambient light source.
addCone Adds cone light source.
addPoint Adds point light source.
changeColor Changes light color.
changeStrength Changes light strength.
clear Clears all lights.
moveLight Moves light source.

You can control the virtual position of the light source, the x and y coordinates of the focus of the light, the type of light ( point or cone ) and whether the light has hard or diffuse edges, the color of the light, and its intensity.

The maximum number of lights available to each visual filter control is 10, so to add more than 10 lights to your page, you will need multiple visual filter controls.

When a light effect is created, it has a default ambient light associated with it. The first light you add to the object replaces this default ambient light.

You can associate only one object per light effect. To light several different separate objects ( for example, a text phrase and a bitmap image ), you need a separate instance of the Light filter effect for each object. However, if you combine several objects into a single object by using a DIV element, you can use one light object to light the combined object.

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See Also

CSS Filter Properties and Methods

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