CSS Attributes Index Classification Attributes
Sets or retrieves which image to use as a list-item marker for the object.
{ list-style-image: 'none' | 'url ( strUrl ) ' } |
Script |
object.style.listStyleImage = 'url ( strUrl ) ' ] |
none |
No image specified. |
url ( strUrl ) |
Specifies the location of the image, where strUrl is an absolute or relative URL. |
The property is read/write with a default value of none; the CSS attribute is inherited.
When the image is available, it will replace the marker set with the listStyleType marker.
If the left margin of the list item is set to 0 using one of the margin properties, the list-item markers will not show. The margin should be set to a minimum of 30 points.
The sample below uses inline event handlers to dynamically change an object’s listStyleImage in response to mouse events.
<ul onmouseover="this.style.listStyleImage='url( /asp.net.ph/shared/wink.gif ) '"
onclick="this.style.listStyleImage='url( /asp.net.ph/shared/biggrin.gif ) '"
ondblclick="this.style.listStyleImage='url( /asp.net.ph/shared/razz.gif ) '"
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currentStyle, LI, OL, runtimeStyle, style, UL
list-style, list-style-position, list-style-type