CSS Attributes Index CSS Filters
Paints a solid silhouette of the selected visual object along one of its edges, in the specified direction. This creates the illusion of a shadow around the visual object.
{ filter: shadow ( color=color, direction=direction ) }
color |
Specific color for the shadow effect. Color is expressed in #RRGGBB format, where RR is the red hexadecimal value, GG is the green hexadecimal value, and BB is the blue hexadecimal value. |
direction |
Directional offset for the shadow effect. Direction is expressed in terms of degrees clockwise from vertical orientation of the object, in 45-degree increments. The default orientation is 225 degrees, which places the shadow to the bottom left side of the object.
0 |
Top |
45 |
Top right |
90 |
Right |
135 |
Bottom right |
180 |
Bottom |
225 |
Bottom left |
270 |
Left |
315 |
Top left |
Show me
For the direction parameter, negative values or values larger than 360 degrees will wrap around to their equivalent angle ( for example, -45 degrees is equivalent to 315-degree orientation ). This allows mathematical manipulations to be carried out easily in code.
CSS Filter Properties and Methods