Language References
Specifies a frameset, which defines the set of individual FRAMES that make up a multi-part browser window. | HTML 4, 4.01. Deprecated |
HTML Syntax
border = pixels
bordercolor = color
class = classname
cols = col-widths
frameborder = no | yes | 0 | 1
framespacing = spacing
id = value
rows = row-heights
title = text
The FRAMESET element can only be used in a frame definition document, which is an HTML document that contains the HEAD and the FRAMESET that describes the frames that make up a browser window. A FRAMESET document cannot contain a BODY element.
A FRAMESET can specify frames that are laid out in rows or columns. FRAMESET elements can be nested, for instance, like in the example below. The first FRAMESET divides the browser window into two rows -- a top row for the menu, and a bottom row for the content. The bottom row contains a second FRAMESET that splits the area into two frames -- one frame for the main content, and one for the right navigation frame.
The FRAMESET element allows an author to control:
- The amount of space between frames.
- Whether to show or hide borders between frames, specify border color and thickness.
- The size of margins inside frames.
- Whether or not a frame can be resized.
- Whether or not scroll bars should be displayed in a frame.
Individual FRAMEs in the set can override the default, though, such as whether or not they display their border, and what color their border uses.
Moreover, actions can be specified to occur when the window displaying the frameset gets ( onfocus ) or loses focus ( onblur ), and when the frameset is loaded ( onload ) or unloaded ( onunload ).
The NOFRAMES element can be used to provide alternative content for browsers that cannot display frames.
DIV Members
This example shows how the FRAMESET element is typically used. Note that here are actually two framesets, one nested within the other.
<frameset rows="12%,*">
<frame src="/shared/head.aspx" name="head"
marginwidth="5" marginheight="5" scrolling="no" noresize>
<frameset cols="85%,*" border=0>
<frame src="intro.aspx" name="content"
marginwidth="5" marginheight="5" noresize>
<frame src="links.aspx" name="links"
marginwidth="5" marginheight="5" noresize>
... alternate content ...
FRAME Using Frames and Framesets