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APPLET Element | APPLET Object

Language References

Defines a container for executable content, specifically a Java applet.HTML 2, 3.2, 4, 4.01 Deprecated

HTML Syntax


An <applet> is executable code written using the Java language, and built or compiled with a Java compiler.

Applets can only be displayed by Java-enabled browsers.

The <applet> tag requires three attributes: code, width and height, a brief description of each shown below.

In the simplest case, the <applet> tags can contain one or more PARAM elements that are used to provide information about the parameters, or arguments, to be used by the Java applet.

Applet development is beyond the scope of this reference. For an excellent place to start learning about Java, visit Sun Systems’ Java Tutorial.

NOTE: Both start and end tags are required.

NOTE: This element has been deprecated in favor of the OBJECT element.


The <applet> element supports the following attributes, in addition to global attributes common to all HTML elements.

Attribute Value Descriprion
align left | right | top | middle | bottom Specifies the alignment of <applet> element with respect to the surrounding content.
alt text Provides alternate text if the applet cannot be displayed.
archive URL Specifies a comma-separated list of URLs for archives containing classes and other resources that will be "preloaded".
code URL specifies the URL of the applet’s class file to be embedded.
codebase URL Specifies the URL of the directory where applets’ .class files referenced by the code attribute are stored.
height pixels Specifies the initial height of the applet’s display area.
hspace pixels Specifies the amount of additional whitespace to be reserved on left and right side of the applet.
name text Specifies the name of the applet.
vspace pixels Specifies the amount of additional whitespace to be reserved on top and bottom side of the applet.
width pixels Specifies the initial width of the applet’s display area.


<applet code="Animate.class" width=400 height=300>
    <param name="delay" value=30>
    <param name="time" value=120>

NOTE: This element is no longer supported in later version browsers.

See Also


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