Every resource available on the Web HTML document, image,
video clip, program, etc. has an address that is specified as a Universal Resource Identifier, or URI.
URIs typically consist of three parts:
- the naming scheme of the mechanism used to access the resource.
- the name of the machine hosting the resource.
- the name of the resource itself, given as a path.
To access hypertext, we write the resource identifier as:
For instance, to point to the W3C documentation on HTML 4.0, we would write:
which means that there is a document available via the HTTP protocol, residing on the machine www.w3.org, and accessible via the path /TR/REC-html40/.
Other URI schemes that are used in HTML documents include ftp: for File Transfer Protocol and mailto: for email.
For file transfers, or downloads, we write:
To send email, we write the address a little differently:
Many readers may be familiar with the term URL, for Uniform Resource Locator. URLs form a subset of the general URI naming scheme.