Language References
Denotes a selectable list box or drop-down list. | HTML 2, 3.2, 4, 4.01, 5 |
HTML Syntax
accesskey = key
align = absbottom | absmiddle | baseline | bottom | left | middle | right | texttop | top
class = classname
datafld = colname
datasrc = #id
id = value
name = name
size = n
style = css properties
tabindex = n
event = script
The SELECT element defines a selection list on an HTML form. Browsers render the element as a list of options from which the user can select an item. SELECT is always used with a set of OPTION elements, that define the selectable options in the list.
When a FORM containing a selection list is submitted for processing, the control name is provided by the SELECT element and the value provided by the selected OPTION element. If the OPTION specifies a value attribute, that value is sent. Otherwise, it is the text that follows the <option> tag. Only the selected option value ( s ) are submitted to the server.
SELECT Members
The following HTML creates a drop-down list box.
<form name="theForm">
<select name="theList">
<option>Alpha Romeo
<option>Range Rover
The next example creates a multi-select list box by setting the SELECT's size and multiple attributes.
<form name="theForm">
<select name="theList" multiple size=3>
<option>Alpha Romeo
<option>Range Rover
The value of a selected OPTION in a SELECT element can be retrieved with the following notation:
To retrieve the selected options for a multi-select list box, authors can iterate through the options collection checking for selected set to true.
Show me
The following example adds a new option to the end of an existing SELECT list. In ECMA-compatible scripting languages ( JScript™ and Javascript ), the new Option constructor can also be used.
var oOption = document.createElement ( "OPTION" );
document.all.oMyList.add ( oOption );
multiple selectedIndex OPTION selected defaultSelected options