Language References
Specifies a scrollable text box. | HTML 2, 3.2, 4, 4.01, 5 |
HTML Syntax
accesskey = key
class = classname
cols = n
datafld = colname
datasrc = #id
id = value
name = name
rows = n
style = css properties
tabindex = n
title = text
wrap = off | hard | soft
event = script
The TEXTAREA element defines a multiline text input control wherein users can enter one or more lines of text.
The number of lines and the number of characters per line, that the TEXTAREA can accommodate without scrolling, can be specified with the rows and cols attribute. The wrap attribute specifies how text wrapping is handled by the element.
Scrollbars appear in the TEXTAREA if the text exceeds the number of specified rows or columns. The CSS overflow attribute, however, can be used to control scrollbar behavior.
TEXTAREA defaults to a fixed-pitch font, though CSS font styles may be applied with the style attribute.
This example shows how a TEXTAREA element is rendered in HTML.
<textarea cols="40" rows="5">TEXTAREA automatically provides scrollbars
to accommodate varying amounts of text ... </textarea>