You can show help files in the browser using the showHelp method on the window object. The following example creates a help window that would display an HTML help file. For HTMLHelp, there are no modifying parameters, and only defaults will apply to the new window.
<button onclick="window.showHelp ( 'helpinfo.htm' )">
Show Help</button>
The showHelp method can also be used to display WinHelp files. To display WinHelp files, the first parameter of the method specifies an .hlp file, the second parameter specifies a context identifier, and the third ( optional ) parameter can be used to specify "popup". The default view for help files is to show the help file in the main browser window. If "popup" is specified for WinHelp files, the help file is displayed in a separate window.
Be sure to review Cross-Frame Scripting and Security for cross-window and frame scripting issues. Security considerations limit the cross-window access from scripts, and reading this section will help you understand what you can and cannot do through scripting.