ASP.NET Syntax ASP.NET Syntax for Web Controls
Displays the values of a data source in a table where each column represents a field and each row represents a record. The GridView control allows you to sort, page, select, and update these items.
Declarative Syntax
AccessKey = "string"
AllowPaging = "True | False"
AllowSorting = "True | False"
AutoGenerateColumns = "True | False"
AutoGenerateDeleteButton = "True | False"
AutoGenerateEditButton = "True | False"
AutoGenerateSelectButton = "True | False"
BackColor = "color name | #dddddd"
BackImageUrl = "uri"
BorderColor = "color name | #dddddd"
BorderStyle = "NotSet | None | Dotted | Dashed | Solid | Double | Groove |
Ridge | Inset | Outset"
BorderWidth = size
Caption = "string"
CaptionAlign = "NotSet | Top | Bottom | Left | Right"
CellPadding = integer
CellSpacing = integer
CssClass = "string"
DataKeyNames = "string"
DataMember = "string"
DataSource = "string"
DataSourceID = "string"
EditIndex = integer
EmptyDataText = "string"
Enabled = "True | False"
EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks = "True | False"
EnableTheming = "True | False"
EnableViewState = "True | False"
Font-Bold = "True | False"
Font-Italic = "True | False"
Font-Names = "string"
Font-Overline = "True | False"
Font-Size = "string | Smaller | Larger | XX-Small | X-Small | Small |
Medium | Large | X-Large | XX-Large"
Font-Strikeout = "True | False"
Font-Underline = "True | False"
ForeColor = "color name | #dddddd"
GridLines = "None | Horizontal | Vertical | Both"
Height = size
HorizontalAlign = "NotSet | Left | Center | Right | Justify"
ID = "string"
OnDataBinding = "DataBinding event handler"
OnDataBound = "DataBound event handler"
OnDisposed = "Disposed event handler"
OnInit = "Init event handler"
OnLoad = "Load event handler"
OnPageIndexChanged = "PageIndexChanged event handler"
OnPageIndexChanging = "PageIndexChanging event handler"
OnPreRender = "PreRender event handler"
OnRowCancelingEdit = "RowCancelingEdit event handler"
OnRowCommand = "RowCommand event handler"
OnRowCreated = "RowCreated event handler"
OnRowDataBound = "RowDataBound event handler"
OnRowDeleted = "RowDeleted event handler"
OnRowDeleting = "RowDeleting event handler"
OnRowEditing = "RowEditing event handler"
OnRowUpdated = "RowUpdated event handler"
OnRowUpdating = "RowUpdating event handler"
OnSelectedIndexChanged = "SelectedIndexChanged event handler"
OnSelectedIndexChanging = "SelectedIndexChanging event handler"
OnSorted = "Sorted event handler"
OnSorting = "Sorting event handler"
OnUnload = "Unload event handler"
PageIndex = integer
PagerSettings-FirstPageImageUrl = "uri"
PagerSettings-FirstPageText = "string"
PagerSettings-LastPageImageUrl = "uri"
PagerSettings-LastPageText = "string"
PagerSettings-Mode = "NextPrevious | Numeric | NextPreviousFirstLast |
PagerSettings-NextPageImageUrl = "uri"
PagerSettings-NextPageText = "string"
PagerSettings-PageButtonCount = integer
PagerSettings-Position = "Bottom | Top | TopAndBottom"
PagerSettings-PreviousPageImageUrl = "uri"
PagerSettings-PreviousPageText = "string"
PagerSettings-Visible = "True | False"
PageSize = integer
RowHeaderColumn = "string"
runat = "server"
SelectedIndex = integer
ShowFooter = "True | False"
ShowHeader = "True | False"
SkinID = "string"
Style = "string"
TabIndex = integer
ToolTip = "string"
UseAccessibleHeader = "True | False"
Visible = "True | False"
Width = size
<AlternatingRowStyle />
AccessibleHeaderText = "string"
ApplyFormatInEditMode = "True | False"
ConvertEmptyStringToNull = "True | False"
DataField = "string"
DataFormatString = "string"
FooterText = "string"
HeaderImageUrl = "uri"
HeaderText = "string"
HtmlEncode = "True | False"
InsertVisible = "True | False"
NullDisplayText = "string"
ReadOnly = "True | False"
ShowHeader = "True | False"
SortExpression = "string"
Visible = "True | False"
<ControlStyle />
<FooterStyle />
<HeaderStyle />
<ItemStyle />
AccessibleHeaderText = "string"
ButtonType = "Button | Image | Link"
CausesValidation = "True | False"
CommandName = "string"
DataTextField = "string"
DataTextFormatString = "string"
FooterText = "string"
HeaderImageUrl = "uri"
HeaderText = "string"
ImageUrl = "uri"
InsertVisible = "True | False"
ShowHeader = "True | False"
SortExpression = "string"
Text = "string"
ValidationGroup = "string"
Visible = "True | False"
<ControlStyle />
<FooterStyle />
<HeaderStyle />
<ItemStyle />
AccessibleHeaderText = "string"
DataField = "string"
FooterText = "string"
HeaderImageUrl = "uri"
HeaderText = "string"
InsertVisible = "True | False"
ReadOnly = "True | False"
ShowHeader = "True | False"
SortExpression = "string"
Text = "string"
Visible = "True | False"
<ControlStyle />
<FooterStyle />
<HeaderStyle />
<ItemStyle />
AccessibleHeaderText = "string"
ButtonType = "Button | Image | Link"
CancelImageUrl = "uri"
CancelText = "string"
CausesValidation = "True | False"
DeleteImageUrl = "uri"
DeleteText = "string"
EditImageUrl = "uri"
EditText = "string"
FooterText = "string"
HeaderImageUrl = "uri"
HeaderText = "string"
InsertImageUrl = "uri"
InsertText = "string"
InsertVisible = "True | False"
NewImageUrl = "uri"
NewText = "string"
SelectImageUrl = "uri"
SelectText = "string"
ShowCancelButton = "True | False"
ShowDeleteButton = "True | False"
ShowEditButton = "True | False"
ShowHeader = "True | False"
ShowInsertButton = "True | False"
ShowSelectButton = "True | False"
SortExpression = "string"
UpdateImageUrl = "uri"
UpdateText = "string"
ValidationGroup = "string"
Visible = "True | False"
<ControlStyle />
<FooterStyle />
<HeaderStyle />
<ItemStyle />
AccessibleHeaderText = "string"
DataNavigateUrlFields = "string"
DataNavigateUrlFormatString = "string"
DataTextField = "string"
DataTextFormatString = "string"
FooterText = "string"
HeaderImageUrl = "uri"
HeaderText = "string"
InsertVisible = "True | False"
NavigateUrl = "uri"
ShowHeader = "True | False"
SortExpression = "string"
Target = "string | _blank | _parent | _search | _self | _top"
Text = "string"
Visible = "True | False"
<ControlStyle />
<FooterStyle />
<HeaderStyle />
<ItemStyle />
AccessibleHeaderText = "string"
AlternateText = "string"
ConvertEmptyStringToNull = "True | False"
DataAlternateTextField = "string"
DataAlternateTextFormatString = "string"
DataImageUrlField = "string"
DataImageUrlFormatString = "string"
FooterText = "string"
HeaderImageUrl = "uri"
HeaderText = "string"
InsertVisible = "True | False"
NullDisplayText = "string"
NullImageUrl = "uri"
ReadOnly = "True | False"
ShowHeader = "True | False"
SortExpression = "string"
Visible = "True | False"
<ControlStyle />
<FooterStyle />
<HeaderStyle />
<ItemStyle />
AccessibleHeaderText = "string"
ConvertEmptyStringToNull = "True | False"
FooterText = "string"
HeaderImageUrl = "uri"
HeaderText = "string"
InsertVisible = "True | False"
ShowHeader = "True | False"
SortExpression = "string"
Visible = "True | False"
<ControlStyle />
<FooterStyle />
<HeaderStyle />
<ItemStyle />
<!-- child controls -->
<!-- child controls -->
<!-- child controls -->
<!-- child controls -->
<!-- child controls -->
<!-- child controls -->
<EditRowStyle />
<EmptyDataRowStyle />
<!-- child controls -->
<FooterStyle />
<HeaderStyle />
FirstPageImageUrl = "uri"
FirstPageText = "string"
LastPageImageUrl = "uri"
LastPageText = "string"
Mode = "NextPrevious | Numeric | NextPreviousFirstLast |
NextPageImageUrl = "uri"
NextPageText = "string"
OnPropertyChanged = "PropertyChanged event handler"
PageButtonCount = integer
Position = "Bottom | Top | TopAndBottom"
PreviousPageImageUrl = "uri"
PreviousPageText = "string"
Visible = "True | False"
<PagerStyle />
<!-- child controls -->
<RowStyle />
<SelectedRowStyle />
For information on the individual members of this class, see GridView in the class library.
The GridView control renders the contents of a data source into a grid-like table. Each column represents a field and each row represents a record.
For more information on using the GridView control, see GridView Web Server Control.
The following example demonstrates how to use the GridView control to display the values from the Customers
table of the NorthWind
sample database in Microsoft SQL Server. The values are retrieved using a SqlDataSource control.
<asp:gridview id="CustomersGridView" runat="server"
width=80% cellpadding=5
font-size = "9pt">
<headerstyle backcolor = "steelblue"
forecolor = "beige" />
<rowstyle verticalalign = "top" />
<asp:sqldatasource id="customers" runat="server"
selectcommand = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country" +
" FROM Customers"
connectionstring = "<%$ ConnectionStrings:aspnet %>"
datasourcemode = "DataReader" />
Show me
GridView Class GridView Web Server Control