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Wizard Control Syntax

ASP.NET Syntax   ASP.NET Syntax for Web Controls

Provides navigation and a user interface ( UI ) to collect related data across multiple steps.

Declarative Syntax

For information on the individual members of this class, see Wizard in the class library.


The Wizard control is meant for:

  • Collecting related data across multiple steps.
  • Breaking up a larger Web page that is used to collect user input into smaller logical steps.
  • Allowing for either linear or nonlinear navigation through the steps.

The Wizard control is made up of the following components:

  • A WizardStepCollection collection of steps that contains the user interface for each step, as defined by the page developer.
  • Built-in navigation capabilities that determine the appropriate buttons to display based on the StepType value.
  • A header area that can be customized to display information that is specific to the step that the user is currently on.
  • A sidebar area that can be used to quickly navigate to steps in the control.

Syntax Example

The following example demonstrates how to define a Wizard control declaratively. The wizard has two steps and the StartNavigationTemplate and FinishNavigationTemplate property templates are defined.

<asp:wizard id="Wizard1" runat="server" activestepindex = "1">
      <asp:wizardstep id="WizardStep1" runat="server" title = "Step 1" />
      <asp:wizardstep id="WizardStep2" runat="server" title = "Step 2" />

      <asp:button id="StartNextButton" runat="server" commandname = "MoveNext" text = "Next" />

      <asp:button id="FinishPreviousButton" runat="server" 
         causesvalidation = "False" commandname = "MovePrevious"
         text = "Previous" />
      <asp:button id="FinishButton" runat="server" 
         commandname = "MoveComplete" 
         text = "Finish" />
See Also

Wizard Class   Wizard Web Server Control

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