OleDbCommandBuilder Class

System.Data.OleDb Namespace

Provides a means to automatically generate single-table commands used to reconcile changes made to a DataSet with the associated database.

OleDbCommandBuilder Class Members

Collapse   Constructors

Visibility Constructor Parameters
public OleDbCommandBuilder ( )
public OleDbCommandBuilder ( OleDbDataAdapter adapter )

Collapse   Properties

Visibility Name Value Type Accessibility
public DataAdapter OleDbDataAdapter [ Get , Set ]

Collapse   Methods

Visibility Name Parameters Return Type
protected ApplyParameterInfo ( DbParameter parameter , DataRow datarow , StatementType statementType , Boolean whereClause ) Void
public static DeriveParameters ( OleDbCommand command ) Void
public GetDeleteCommand ( ) OleDbCommand
public GetDeleteCommand ( Boolean useColumnsForParameterNames ) OleDbCommand
public GetInsertCommand ( Boolean useColumnsForParameterNames ) OleDbCommand
public GetInsertCommand ( ) OleDbCommand
protected GetParameterName ( String parameterName ) String
protected GetParameterName ( Int32 parameterOrdinal ) String
protected GetParameterPlaceholder ( Int32 parameterOrdinal ) String
public GetUpdateCommand ( ) OleDbCommand
public GetUpdateCommand ( Boolean useColumnsForParameterNames ) OleDbCommand
public QuoteIdentifier ( String unquotedIdentifier , OleDbConnection connection ) String
public QuoteIdentifier ( String unquotedIdentifier ) String
protected SetRowUpdatingHandler ( DbDataAdapter adapter ) Void
public UnquoteIdentifier ( String quotedIdentifier , OleDbConnection connection ) String
public UnquoteIdentifier ( String quotedIdentifier ) String


The OleDbDataAdapter does not automatically generate the SQL statements required to reconcile changes made to a DataSet with the associated data source. However, you can create an OleDbCommandBuilder object to automatically generate SQL statements for single-table updates if you set the SelectCommand property of the OleDbDataAdapter. Then, any additional SQL statements that you do not set are generated by the OleDbCommandBuilder.

The OleDbCommandBuilder registers itself as a listener for RowUpdating events whenever you set the DataAdapter property. You can only associate one OleDbDataAdapter or OleDbCommandBuilder object with each other at one time.

To generate INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements, the OleDbCommandBuilder uses the SelectCommand property to retrieve a required set of metadata automatically. If you change the SelectCommand after the metadata has is retrieved ( for example, after the first update ), you should call the RefreshSchema method to update the metadata.

The OleDbCommandBuilder also uses the Connection, CommandTimeout, and Transaction properties referenced by the SelectCommand. The user should call RefreshSchema if any of these properties are modified, or if the SelectCommand itself is replaced. Otherwise the InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand properties retain their previous values.

If you call Dispose, the OleDbCommandBuilder is disassociated from the OleDbDataAdapter, and the generated commands are no longer used.


The following example uses the OleDbCommand, along OleDbDataAdapter and OleDbConnection, to select rows from a data source. The example is passed an initialized DataSet, a connection string, a query string that is an SQL SELECT statement, and a string that is the name of the data source table. The example then initializes an OleDbCommandBuilder.

public DataSet SelectOleDbSrvRows ( DataSet myDataSet, string myConn, 
      string query, string myTableName ) {
   OleDbConnection myConn = new OleDbConnection ( myConn );
   OleDbDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter ( );
   myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand ( query, myConn );
   OleDbCommandBuilder custCB = new OleDbCommandBuilder ( myDataAdapter );
   myConn.Open ( );

   DataSet custDS = new DataSet ( );
   myDataAdapter.Fill ( custDS, "Customers" );

   // ... code to modify data in dataset here ... 

   // Without the OleDbCommandBuilder this line would fail
   myDataAdapter.Update ( custDS, "Customers" );

   myConn.Close ( );
   return custDS;
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