System.Data.OleDb Namespace
Collects information relevant to a warning or error returned by the data source.
This class is created by the OleDb data adapter when an error occurs. An instance of OleDbError is created and managed by the OleDbErrorCollection class, which in turn is created by the OleDbException class.
If the severity of the error is too great, the server may close the OleDbConnection. However, the user can reopen the connection and continue.
The following example displays the properties of the OleDbError.
[ VB ]
Public Sub DisplayOleDbErrorCollection ( myException As OleDbException )
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To myException.Errors.Count - 1
Response.Write ( "Index #" + i.ToString ( ) + ControlChars.Cr _
+ "Message: " + myException.Errors ( i ).Message + ControlChars.Cr _
+ "Native: " + myException.Errors ( i ).NativeError.ToString ( ) + ControlChars.Cr _
+ "Source: " + myException.Errors ( i ).Source + ControlChars.Cr _
+ "SQL: " + myException.Errors ( i ).SQLState + ControlChars.Cr )
Next i
End Sub
[ C# ]
void DisplayOleDbErrorCollection ( OleDbException myException )
for ( int i=0; i < myException.Errors.Count; i++ )
Response.Write ( "Index #" + i + "<br>" +
"Message: " + myException.Errors [ ].Message + "<br>" +
"Native: " + myException.Errors [ ].NativeError.ToString ( ) + "<br>" +
"Source: " + myException.Errors [ ].Source + "<br>" +
"SQL: " + myException.Errors [ ].SQLState + "<br>" );
OleDbErrorCollection OleDbException