System.Globalization Namespace CultureInfo Class
Gets the culture name in the format "<languagefull> ( <country/regionfull> ) " in the language that the culture is set to display.
[ VB ]
Overridable Public ReadOnly Property NativeName As String
[ C# ]
public virtual string NativeName {get;}
[ C++ ]
public: __property virtual String* get_NativeName ( );
[ JScript ]
function get NativeName ( ) : String;
The culture name in the format "<languagefull> ( <country/regionfull> ) " in the language that the culture is set to display, where <languagefull> is the full name of the language and <country/regionfull> is the full name of the country/region.
The culture's full name might not display properly if the system is not set to display the culture's language correctly. For example, if the CultureInfo.Name is "ja-JP" for Japanese ( Japan ), CultureInfo.NativeName does not display correctly on a system that is set to English only. However, multilingual operating systems, such as Windows 2000, display NativeName correctly.
The below shows the NativeName used for each of the available cultures.
Show me
CultureInfo Members Name DisplayName EnglishName TwoLetterISOLanguageName ThreeLetterISOLanguageName ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName