System.Globalization Namespace DateTimeFormatInfo Class
Sets or retrieves the string designator for hours that are "post meridiem" ( after noon ).
[ VB ]
public Property PMDesignator As String
[ C# ]
public string PMDesignator {get; set;}
[ C++ ]
public: __property String* get_PMDesignator ( );
public: __property void set_PMDesignator ( String* );
[ JScript ]
function get PMDesignator ( ) : String;
public function set PMDesignator ( String );
The string designator for hours that are "post meridiem" ( after noon ). The default for InvariantInfo is "PM".
If the custom pattern includes the format pattern "tt" and the time is after noon, DateTime.ToString displays the value of PMDesignator in place of the "tt" in the format pattern. If the custom pattern includes the format pattern "t", only the first character of PMDesignator is displayed.
The below shows the PMDesignator used for each of the available cultures.
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DateTimeFormatInfo Members AMDesignator