System Namespace
The exception that is thrown when there is an attempt to dereference a null object reference.
Note that applications throw the ArgumentNullException exception rather than the NullReferenceException exception discussed here.
The following Microsoft intermediate language ( MSIL ) instructions throw NullReferenceException:
- callvirt
- cpblk
- cpobj
- initblk
- ldelem.<type>
- ldelema
- ldfld
- ldflda
- ldind.<type>
- ldlen
- stelem.<type>
- stfld
- stind.<type>
- throw
- unbox
NullReferenceException uses the HRESULT COR_E_NULLREFERENCE, which has the value 0x80004003.
For a list of initial property values for an instance of NullReferenceException, see the NullReferenceException constructors.