System.Security.Principal Namespace
Specifies how principal and identity objects should be created for an application domain. The default is UnauthenticatedPrincipal.
Member |
Description |
NoPrincipal |
No principal or identity objects should be created. |
UnauthenticatedPrincipal |
Principal and identity objects for the unauthenticated entity should becreated. An unauthenticated entity has Name set to the empty string ( "" ) and IsAuthenticated set to false. |
WindowsPrincipal |
Principal and identity objects that reflect the operating system token associated with the current execution thread should be created, and the associated operating system groups should be mapped into roles. |
For performance reasons, the default principal and identity objects are not created until they are needed. If a principal is explicitly added to the current thread, a default principal is not created and the principal policy setting is ignored.
A trusted host can override the default principal policy by specifying another of these values using the SetPrincipalPolicy method of an AppDomain.