System.Web Namespace HttpCookie Class
Gets a value indicating whether a cookie has subkeys.
[ VB ]
Public ReadOnly Property HasKeys As Boolean
[ C# ]
public bool HasKeys {get;}
[ C++ ]
public: __property bool get_HasKeys ( );
[ JScript ]
public function get HasKeys ( ) : Boolean;
true if the cookies has subkeys, otherwise, false. The default value is false.
The following example examines each member of a cookie collection for multiple values and If multiple values are present ( HasKeys = true ) , copies the value names into one string array and the corresponding values into another string array. For an example of how to create multiple values for a cookie, see Values.
[ VB ]
Dim myCookieCollection As HttpCookieCollection
Dim myCookie As HttpCookie
Dim MyValueNames ( ) As String
Dim MyValues ( ) As String
Dim loop1 As Integer
myCookieCollection = Request.Cookies
For loop1 = 0 To myCookieCollection.Count - 1
myCookie = myCookieCollection ( loop1 )
If myCookie.HasKeys Then
Dim myCookieValues As NameValueCollection = new NameValueCollection ( myCookie.Values )
MyValueNames = myCookieValues.AllKeys
MyValues = myCookieValues.AllKeys
End If
Next loop1
[ C# ]
HttpCookieCollection myCookieCollection = Request.Cookies;
for ( int loop1 = 0; loop1 < myCookieCollection.Count; loop1++ ) {
HttpCookie myCookie = myCookieCollection [ loop1 ];
if ( myCookie.HasKeys ) {
NameValueCollection myCookieValues =
new NameValueCollection ( myCookie.Values );
String [ ] MyValueNames = myCookieValues.AllKeys;
String [ ] MyValues = myCookieValues.AllKeys;
[ JScript ]
var myCookieCollection : HttpCookieCollection
var myCookie : HttpCookie
var myValueNames : String [ ]
var myValues : String [ ]
myCookieCollection = Request.Cookies
for ( var loop1 = 0; loop1 < myCookieCollection.Count; loop1++ ) {
myCookie = myCookieCollection [ loop1 ]
if ( myCookie.HasKeys ) {
var myCookieValues : NameValueCollection = new NameValueCollection ( myCookie.Values )
myValueNames = myCookieValues.AllKeys
myValues = myCookieValues.AllKeys
HttpCookie Members