System.Web Namespace HttpCookieCollection Class
Initializes a new instance of the HttpCookieCollection class.
[ VB ]
Public Sub New ( )
[ C# ]
public HttpCookieCollection ( );
[ C++ ]
public: HttpCookieCollection ( );
[ JScript ]
public function HttpCookieCollection ( );
ASP.NET includes two intrinsic cookie collections. The collection accessible through Cookies contains cookies transmitted by the client to the server in the Cookie header. The collection accessible through Cookies contains cookies generated on the server and transmitted to the client in the Set-Cookie header.
The following example creates a new cookie collection object and fills it with the cookies received from the client.
[ VB ]
Dim myCookieCollection As New HttpCookieCollection ( )
myCookieCollection = Request.Cookies
[ C# ]
HttpCookieCollection myCookieCollection = new HttpCookieCollection ( );
myCookieCollection = Request.Cookies;
HttpCookieCollection Members