System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace Calendar Class
Sets or retrieves the format of the next and previous month hyperlinks in the title.
[ VB ]
Public Property NextPrevFormat As NextPrevFormat
[ C# ]
public NextPrevFormat NextPrevFormat {get; set;}
[ C++ ]
public: __property NextPrevFormat get_NextPrevFormat ( );
public: __property void set_NextPrevFormat ( NextPrevFormat );
[ JScript ]
public function get NextPrevFormat ( ) : NextPrevFormat;
public function set NextPrevFormat ( NextPrevFormat );
One of the NextPrevFormat values. The default value is CustomText.
To create your own link text, specify Custom and set the NextMonthText and PrevMonthText properties. The default is Custom.When programming, this property is set using the NextPrevFormat emumeration.
The following example demonstrates how to set the NextPrevFormat property to the short month format.
<asp:Calendar id = "myCalendar" runat = "server"
NextPrevFormat = "ShortMonth" />
Calendar Members