System.Web.Configuration Namespace
.NET Framework version 2.0
The ProfileSection class provides a way to programmatically access and modify the profile section of a configuration file. This class cannot be inherited.
The ProfileSection class provides a way to programmatically access and modify the profile section of a configuration file.
The profile section of the configuration file specifies a schema for user profiles. At run time, the ASP.NET compilation system uses the information specified in the profile section to generate a class called ProfileCommon, which is derived from ProfileBase. The ProfileCommon class definition is based on the properties defined in the profile section of the configuration file. The class allows you to access and modify the values for individual profiles. An instance of this class is created for each user profile, and you can access the individual profile values in your code through the HttpContext.Profile property.
The following configuration file excerpt shows how to declaratively specify values for several properties of the ProfileSection class.
<profile enabled = "true"
defaultProvider = "AspNetSqlProfileProvider">
<add name = "AspNetSqlProfileProvider"
type = "System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider"
connectionStringName = "LocalSqlServer"
applicationName = "/"
description = "Stores and retrieves profile data from the local Microsoft SQL Server database" />
<add name = "FirstName"/>
<add name = "LastName"/>
<add name = "FavoriteURLs" type = "System.Collection.Specialized.StringCollection, System"
serializeAs = "Xml"/>
<add name = "ShoppingCart" type = "MyCommerce.ShoppingCart, MyCommerce"
serializeAs = "Binary"/>
<group name = "SiteColors" >
<add name = "BackGround"/>
<add name = "SideBar"/>
<add name = "ForeGroundText"/>
<add name = "ForeGroundBorders"/>
<group name = "Forums">
<add name = "HasAvatar" type = "bool" provider = "Forums"/>
<add name = "LastLogin" type = "DateTime" provider = "Forums"/>
<add name = "TotalPosts" type = "int" provider = "Forums"/>
ASP.NET Configuration <profile> Section