System.Globalization Namespace CultureInfo Class
Gets the culture name in the format "<languagefull> ( <country/regionfull> ) " in the language of the localized version of .NET Framework.
[ VB ]
Overridable Public ReadOnly Property DisplayName As String
[ C# ]
public virtual string DisplayName {get;}
[ C++ ]
public: __property virtual String* get_DisplayName ( );
[ JScript ]
function get DisplayName ( ) : String;
The culture name in the format "<languagefull> ( <country/regionfull> ) " in the language of the localized version of .NET Framework, where <languagefull> is the full name of the language and <country/regionfull> is the full name of the country/region.
For example, if the .NET Framework English version is installed, the DisplayName for the specific culture U.S. English is "English ( United States ) ". If the .NET Framework Spanish version is installed, regardless of the language that the system is set to display, the culture name is displayed in Spanish; therefore, the DisplayName for the specific culture U.S. English is "Ingles ( Estados Unidos ) ".
The below shows the DisplayName used for each of the available cultures.
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CultureInfo Members Name NativeName EnglishName TwoLetterISOLanguageName ThreeLetterISOLanguageName ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName