System.Globalization Namespace NumberFormatInfo Class
Sets or retrieves the format pattern for negative numeric values.
[ VB ]
public Property NumberNegativePattern As Integer
[ C# ]
public int NumberNegativePattern {get; set;}
[ C++ ]
public: __property int get_NumberNegativePattern ( );
public: __property void set_NumberNegativePattern ( int );
[ JScript ]
function get NumberNegativePattern ( ) : int;
public function set NumberNegativePattern ( int );
The format pattern for negative numeric values. The default for InvariantInfo is 0, which represents " ( n ) ", where n is a number.
This property can have one of the values in the following table. The symbol "-" is the NegativeSign and n is a number.
Value |
Associated Pattern |
0 |
( n ) |
1 |
-n |
2 |
- n |
3 |
n- |
4 |
n - |
The following code example prints a value using different NumberNegativePattern patterns.
[ Visual Basic ]
Imports System
Imports System.Globalization
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Class SamplesNumberFormatInfo
Public Shared Sub Main ( )
' Creates a new NumberFormatinfo.
Dim myNfi As New NumberFormatInfo ( )
' Takes a negative value.
Dim myInt As Int64 = - 1234
' Displays the value with default formatting.
Console.WriteLine ( "Default " + ControlChars.Tab + ":" _
+ ControlChars.Tab + "{0}", myInt.ToString ( "N", myNfi ) )
' Displays the value with other patterns.
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 4
myNfi.NumberNegativePattern = i
Console.WriteLine ( "Pattern {0}" + ControlChars.Tab + ":" _
+ ControlChars.Tab + "{1}", myNfi.NumberNegativePattern, _
myInt.ToString ( "N", myNfi ) )
Next i
End Sub
End Class
' This code produces the following output.
' Default : ( 1,234.00 )
' Pattern 0 : ( 1,234.00 )
' Pattern 1 : -1,234.00
' Pattern 2 : - 1,234.00
' Pattern 3 : 1,234.00-
' Pattern 4 : 1,234.00 -
[ C# ]
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class SamplesNumberFormatInfo {
public static void Main ( ) {
// Creates a new NumberFormatinfo.
NumberFormatInfo myNfi = new NumberFormatInfo ( );
// Takes a negative value.
Int64 myInt = -1234;
// Displays the value with default formatting.
Console.WriteLine ( "Default \t:\t{0}", myInt.ToString ( "N", myNfi ) );
// Displays the value with other patterns.
for ( int i = 0; i <= 4; i++ ) {
myNfi.NumberNegativePattern = i;
Console.WriteLine ( "Pattern {0}\t:\t{1}", myNfi.NumberNegativePattern, myInt.ToString ( "N", myNfi ) );
This code produces the following output.
Default : ( 1,234.00 )
Pattern 0 : ( 1,234.00 )
Pattern 1 : -1,234.00
Pattern 2 : - 1,234.00
Pattern 3 : 1,234.00-
Pattern 4 : 1,234.00 -
The below shows the NumberNegativePattern used for each of the available cultures.
Show me
NumberFormatInfo Members NumberDecimalDigits NumberDecimalSeparator NumberGroupSeparator NumberGroupSizes NaNSymbol CurrencyNegativePattern PercentNegativePattern