System.Web Namespace HttpCookie Class
Shortcut for HttpCookie.Values [ key ]. This property is provided for compatibility with previous versions of ASP.
In [ C# ], this property is the indexer for the HttpCookie class.
[ VB ]
Public Default Property Item ( _
ByVal key As String _
) As String
[ C# ]
public string this [
string key
] {get; set;}
[ C++ ]
public: __property String* get_Item (
String* key
public: __property void set_Item (
String* key,
[ JScript ]
returnValue = HttpCookieObject.Item ( key );
HttpCookieObject.Item ( key ) = returnValue;
returnValue = HttpCookieObject ( key );
HttpCookieObject ( key ) = returnValue;
In [ JScript ], you can use the default indexed properties defined by a type, but you cannot explicitly define your own. However, specifying the expando attribute on a class automatically provides a default indexed property whose type is Object and whose index type is String.
- key
- Key ( index ) of cookie value.
- key
- Key ( index ) of cookie value.
The cookie value.
HttpCookie Members