[ C# ], this property is the indexer for the
PassportIdentity class.
[ VB ]
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item ( _
strProfileName As String _
) As String
[ C# ]
public string this [ string strProfileName
] {get;}
[ C++ ]
public: __property String* get_Item (
String* strProfileName
[ JScript ]
returnValue = PassportIdentityObject.Item ( strProfileName );
returnValue = PassportIdentityObject ( strProfileName );
In [ JScript ], you can use the default indexed properties defined by a type, but you cannot explicitly define your own. However, specifying the expando attribute on a class automatically provides a default indexed property whose type is Object and whose index type is String.
- strProfileName
- The Passport profile attribute to return.
- strProfileName
- The Passport profile attribute to return.
The Passport profile attribute.
Calling this property is the equivalent of calling GetProfileObject. For more information, see the Passport SDK documentation in the MSDN Library.
PassportIdentity Members