System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace FormView Class
.NET Framework version 2.0
Occurs when an item is created in the FormView control.
[ VB ]
Public Event ItemCreated As EventHandler
[ C# ]
public event EventHandler ItemCreated;
[ C++ ]
public: __event EventHandler* ItemCreated;
In [ JScript ], you can handle the events defined by a class, but you cannot define your own.
The ItemCreated event is raised whenever an item in the FormView is created.
This event provides an opportunity to access each item ( or row ) before the page is finally sent to the client for display. After this event is raised, the item is then bound to data and the DataBound event in turn is raised, after which the data item is nulled out and no longer available.
This event is raised for the header, the footer, the pager, and the data items.
FormView Members DataBound EventHandler