Provides enumerated values that indicate why a process has shut down.
Member name |
Description |
DeadlockSuspected |
Indicates that a deadlock was suspected because the response time limit was exceeded with requests in the queue. |
IdleTimeout |
Indicates that the process exceeded the allowable idle time. |
MemoryLimitExceeded |
Indicates that the process exceeded the per-process memory limit. |
None |
Indicates that the process has not shut down. |
PingFailed |
Indicates that the worker process did not respond to a ping from the IIS process. |
RequestQueueLimit |
Indicates that requests assigned to the process exceeded the allowable number in the queue. |
RequestsLimit |
Indicates that requests executed by the process exceeded the allowable limit. |
Timeout |
Indicates that the process restarted because it was alive longer than allowed. |
Unexpected |
Indicates that the process shut down unexpectedly. |