System.Web Namespace
Captures and presents execution details about a Web request. This class cannot be inherited.
You can use this class to append messages to specific trace categories. For example, if you are creating an instance of the Calendar class for your application, you might include the trace message "Starting To Render" in a rendering procedure, and "Firing OnChange Event" in an event handler procedure.
To enable tracing, set the Trace attribute in the @ Page directive or the IsEnabled property. When tracing is enabled, in addition to showing user-provided trace content, the Page class automatically includes performance data, control-tree structure information, and state management content.
Trace.propertyName = value;
Trace.methodName ( arguments );
Trace.propertyName = value
Trace.methodName ( arguments ) |
C# |
VB |
Type var = Trace.propertyName;
Dim var as Type = Trace.propertyName |
C# |
VB |
ASP.NET Trace Functionality TraceMode Enumeration