System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace
Allows programmatic access to individual table cell <th> and <td> elements in an HtmlTableRow.
The <th> element represents a table header cell, while the <td> element represents a data cell in a table. Use the HtmlTableCell control to programmatically access the individual HTML <th> and <td> elements on the server.
The HtmlTableCell class allows you to customize the appearance of a cell in a table by specifying the cell's BgColor, BorderColor, Height, and Width properties.
The Align property controls the horizontal alignment, while the VAlign property controls the vertical alignment of the contents within the cell.
You can also specify whether or not the content automatically continues on the next line when the end of the cell is reached, using the NoWrap property.
To control the number of columns or rows that a cell occupies, use the ColSpan or RowSpan properties.
For examples illustrating use of this control, see the individual member types of this class. For syntax information, see HtmlTableCell in ASP.NET Syntax for HTML Controls.
HtmlTable HtmlTableRow HtmlTableCellCollection HtmlTableRowCollection