System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace HyperLinkField Class
Sets or retrieves the window or target frame to display the Web page content linked to when the hyperlink in the column is clicked.
Inline |
<<asp:hyperlinkfield target = strTarget | '_blank' | '_parent' | '_self' | '_top' ... > |
Script |
HyperLinkField.Target [ = strTarget | '_blank' | '_parent' | '_self' | '_top' ] |
strTarget |
The name of the target window or frame to load the Web page content into. |
Values must begin with a letter in the range of A-Z or a-z, except for these special values which begin with an underscore:
_blank |
Renders the content in a new, unframed window. |
_parent |
Renders the content in the immediate frameset parent. |
_self |
Renders the content in the current frame. |
_top |
Renders the content in the full, unframed window. |
The property is read/write with a default value that depends on the URL and site. If the user does not leave the site, the default is _self, but if the user exits to a new site, the default is _top.
Use this property to specify the frame or window in which to display the contents of the requested resource.
If there is no frame or window that matches the specified target, a new window is opened for the link.
CAUTION: In HTML 4.0, Target attribute values are case-insensitive, so that _top and _TOP have the same meaning. However, most browsers treat this value as case-sensitive and do not recognize _TOP as having the special meaning as described for _top.
HyperLinkField Members Adding HyperLink Fields to a GridView Control