System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace Calendar Class
Represents a day on the Calendar control.
For a list of initial property values for an instance of CalendarDay, see the CalendarDay constructor.
The following example demonstrates how to check the properties of a CalendarDay to determine if the days on the Calendar are within the month currently displayed and not on the weekend. These days are displayed in khaki.
<script language = "C#" runat = "server">
void DayRender ( Object src, DayRenderEventArgs e ) {
if ( !e.Day.IsOtherMonth && !e.Day.IsWeekend )
<h3>Calendar onDayRender Event Example</h3>
<form runat = "server">
<asp:Calendar runat = "server"
WeekendDayStyle-BackColor = "SteelBlue"
onDayRender = "DayRender" />
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