System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace
Renders a control that allows the user to select a single item from a drop-down list.
Use the DropDownList control to create a single selection drop-down list control.
Like all controls that derive from the ListControl base class, the DropDownList can display content declared at design time, or dynamically bound from a data source at run time.
To specify the items you want to appear in the control, declare a ListItem object for each entry, between the opening and closing tags of the control.
To bind the control to a data source, create or specify the source, then use the DataBind method ( inherited from the base Control class ) to populate the contents of the control.
You can use any supported enumerable collection of data, such as those from datareaders, datasets, datatables, dataviews, arraylists, and so on.
The DropDownList includes a SelectedIndex property, which you use to programmatically specify or determine the index of the item selected by the user from the control.
NOTE: Certain properties inherited from the base WebControl class are not applicable to the DropDownList. These include the BorderColor, BorderStyle, BorderWidth and ToolTip properties.
For examples illustrating use of this control, see the individual member types of this class. For syntax information, see DropDownList in ASP.NET Syntax for Web Controls.
ListBox, ListControl, ListItem