System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace
Renders a group of RadioButton controls.
The RadioButtonList control provides page developers with a single-selection radio button group that can be dynamically generated via data binding. It contains an Items collection with members that correspond to individual items on the list. To determine which item is selected, test the SelectedItem property of the list.
You can specify the rendering of the list with the RepeatLayout and RepeatDirection properties. If RepeatLayout is set to RepeatLayout.Table ( the default setting ), the list will be rendered within a table. If it is set to RepeatLayout.Flow, the list will be rendered without any tabular structure. By default, RepeatDirection is set to RepeatDirection.Vertical. Setting this property to RepeatDirection.Horizontal will render the list horizontally.
The RadioButtonList control provides convenient data binding capabilities. However, individual RadioButton controls provide greater control over layout.
For examples illustrating use of this control, see the individual member types of this class. For syntax information, see RadioButtonList in ASP.NET Syntax for Web Controls.
ListControl CheckBoxList