System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace
Checks whether the value of an input control is within a specified range of values.
The RangeValidator server control tests whether an input value falls within a given range. It uses three key properties to perform its validation:
The MinimumValue and MaximumValue are stored as string values, but are converted to the data type defined by the Type property when the validation operation is performed.
NOTE: The RangeValidator control throws an exception if the value specified by the MaximumValue or MinimumValue property cannot be converted to the specified Type.
NOTE: Validation succeeds if the input control is empty. To force the user to enter data into the input control, use a RequiredFieldValidator.
For examples illustrating use of this control, see the individual member types of this class. For syntax information, see RangeValidator in ASP.NET Syntax for Validation Controls.
BaseValidator BaseCompareValidator Validating Against a Range of Values