Designing Secure ASP.NET Applications Forms Authentication Using an XML Users File
The Web.config
configuration file in the application root directory ( the directory in which Default.aspx resides ) should be set up to have the following entries.
- Set the authentication mode to Forms. Other possible values are Windows, Passport, and None ( empty string ). For this example, it must be Forms.
<authentication mode = "Forms" >
- Set the form’s authentication attributes.
- Set the loginurl attribute to login.aspx. Login.aspx is the URL to use for redirection if ASP.NET does not find a form with the request.
loginUrl = "login.aspx"
- Set the form’s name suffix.
name = ".ASPXCOOKIEAUTH2" />
- Deny unauthenticated users access to this directory.
<deny users = "?" />
The Forms Authentication Provider